CHR2020 Online
Online Workshop on Computational Humanities Research (18-20 November 2020);
Accepted Papers
Sign up and register
Schedule (for registered participants)
In the humanities and related social sciences, the use of computational, statistical, and mathematical approaches has increased in recent years. The research can be characterized by (i) relying on quantifiable rather than strictly qualitative evidence; (ii) making explicit and formalizing theory with the help of mathematical and computational models; (iii) making statistical inferences about model parameters; (iv) the use of computational and automatic procedures for processing and analyzing data; and (v) searching for computational analogies through which theories from different disciplines can be unified. And yet, despite the undeniable growth of this new research area, many scholars still feel that there is no suitable research-oriented venue to present and publish their computational work that does not lose sight of questions relevant to the humanities. As such, we aim to fill this niche by creating a community for Computational Humanities Research. Ultimately, the goal of the community is to set up a research-oriented, open-access computational humanities journal. This workshop on Computational Humanities Research (CHR) will serve as a stepping stone to this journal.
Read the accepted papers here or at CEUR-WS.
Keynote Speakers

Important dates
July 27, 2020: Submission deadline;August 24, 2020: Notification of acceptance;September 18, 2020: Camera-ready papers due;- November 18-20, 2020: Online Workshop.
Sign up here for the workshop!
This workshop will be an online event with synchronous Q&A sessions and asynchronous discussions on our forum (please register). More details will follow soon. The workshop is organized by the DHLab of the KNAW Humanities Cluster and The Alan Turing Institute.
Illustrative Topics and Questions
- Statistical methods for Humanities data analysis;
- Hypothesis-driven Humanities research;
- Interpretation of results from statistical, empirical, and data-driven methods;
- Development of empirical methods;
- Translation and transfer of methods from disciplines, such as economics, biology, physics, psychology, and complexity science;
- Drawing computational analogies to unify disciplines;
- Modeling bias and uncertainty in the humanities;
- Method standardization;
- Statistical evaluation of categorisation / periodisation;
- How to bridge humanistic and statistical interpretations;
- Explanatory models for Humanities research;
Workshop goals
The aim of the workshop is threefold:
Community: This gathering serves as a means to foster the formation of a community of humanities scholars that rely on a wide range of computational approaches. We consider this community to be an addition to the digital humanities landscape.
Infrastructure: An important goal of this workshop is to find new ways of sharing our ‘research stories’. This includes the introduction of pre-registration of studies, which entails the submission of a registered report that includes theoretical justification, experimental design, and the proposed statistical analysis. Additionally, we want to rethink the reviewing process for interdisciplinary studies that rely on computational approaches to answer questions relevant to the humanities. Finally, the workshop aims to make all publications, code, and data freely available, thus encouraging research transparency and replication of studies.
Dissemination: CHR2020 proceedings will be submitted for publication in the CEUR workshop proceedings. Authors of selected papers from the workshop will be invited to submit to a special issue of the Journal of Open Humanities Data.
Types of Submission
We accept three types of submissions:
Long Papers. Long papers report on completed, original and unpublished results. The maximum length is 16 pages, plus up to 4 pages of references. We welcome the use of appendices or other supplementary information. Accepted papers are expected to be presented at the workshop and will be published in the proceedings of the workshop.
Short Papers. Short papers report on original and unpublished results. The maximum length is 8 pages, plus up to 2 pages of references. Besides smaller, focussed contributions, short papers may present work in progress, negative results, and opinion pieces. Accepted papers are expected to be presented at the workshop and will be published in the proceedings of the workshop.
Tutorials. We also accept proposals for online tutorials. These tutorials are meant to highlight specific computational approaches and show how they can be implemented across different disciplines in the humanities. The maximum length is 4 pages, plus up to 1 page of references. Tutorial proposal should at minimum include description of method(s), goals, relevance to CHR, as well as information on the prerequisite knowledge, and logistical requirements. Tutorial proposals will not be published in the proceedings.
All papers and tutorial proposals will undergo double-blind peer-review.
Submission Formats
Papers to CHR2020 may be submitted in either of the following two formats:
- LaTeX Papers should be prepared using the CHR2020 latex template. See this link on the forum for instructions to get you started;
- doc(x) papers may be submitted only for review.
All final, accepted papers must be submitted in LaTeX using the provided template. Final papers not submitted in this format will not be accepted.
Revised, camera-ready papers should be uploaded to Dropbox. Please upload a PDF, the LaTeX source files as well as your cover letter using the following link: Please mention your paper id in the file name. If you have any questions concerning the submission, please let us know.
Accepted papers will be submitted for publication in the CEUR workshop proceedings.
Program Committee
- Alberto Acerbi – Brunel University, London
- Tara Andrews – University of Vienna, Austria
- Manuel Burghardt – Universität Leipzig, Germany
- Giovanni Colavizza – University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Maud Ehrmann – EPFL, Switzerland
- Marieke van Erp – KNAW Humanities Cluster, The Netherlands
- Lauren Fonteyn – Leiden University, The Netherlands
- Pieter Francois – University of Oxford, UK
- Leah Henrickson – Loughborough University, UK
- Mike Kestemont – University of Antwerp, Belgium
- Lauren Klein – Emory University, U.S.A.
- Cynthia Liem – Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Enrique Manjavacas – University of Antwerp, Belgium
- Barbara McGillivray (Chair) – University of Cambridge & The Alan Turing Institute, UK
- George Mikros – National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
- Kristoffer Nielbo – Aarhus University, Denmark
- Michael Piotrowski – University of Lausanne, Switzerland
- Allen Riddell – Indiana University Bloomington, USA
- Iza Romanowska – Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
- Tatjana Scheffler – University of Potsdam, Germany
- Oleg Sobchuk – Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Germany
- Ted Underwood – University of Illinois, USA
- Eva Zangerle – University of Innsbruck, Austria
- Joris van Zundert – Huygens ING, The Netherlands
Barbara McGillivray, Folgert Karsdorp, Adina Nerghes, Melvin Wevers